S2E15 - A Moment in Time: Looking Back on Season Two’s Highlights, Lessons, and Reasons for Hope in Caregiving and Creativity


“Listening back, I was surprised by how long ago the early interviews of this season felt to me. Depending upon how you have listened to these episodes as a listener, whether you're listening chronologically, whether you just dive in based on the subject matter, maybe they don't feel as far away from you.

But to me, they felt like a long time ago, even though I guess in the grand scheme of things, they weren't.”

~ Kaitlin Solimine, Host.

It's been almost a year since that first conversation of the season with Julie Phillips. Kaitlin’s daughter wasn't even walking when we recorded that episode, and now she's running and climbing like a banshee. So for this season 2 finale, we wanted to reflect on these conversations and remind us all of what important lessons, questions, and opportunities have arisen, what we've learned, and what still needs so much work and support to come.

This season, in particular, we turned a bit away from the first season's deep dive and focus on creative caregivers and took a bird's eye view on those who are examining the lives of writers and caregivers, who look, in their own ways, at the impact of parenting on our creative and social lives.

We spoke with biographers, poets, journalists, psychologists, memoirists, activists, lactation specialists, chiropractors, and more about the ways in which creativity and caregiving intersect.

In this episode, we look back at a few of the themes that emerged from those conversations and take stock of what this means now; looking back and also looking forward to the work we all have to continue in our examination of this intersection of caregiving and creativity.

We’re incredibly grateful that our guests could take the time to sit with Kailtin, and for their honesty and vulnerability, which really make this podcast the open and engaging space that it is, and hopefully is for you as listeners.

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